Candia Raquel, host of The Sensual Sessions Podcast with guest with Uma Armengol, Msc Relational Transactional Analysis Counseling and Psychotherapy Studies. SE™ Practitioner in the cover of episode #107 Sensual Trilogy Part 2: Trauma.

#107 Sensual Trilogy Part 2: Trauma — Uma Armengol

How To Rise Above Past Trauma And Embrace Sensual Pleasure

Rising above your past is pivotal in forging a brighter future for yourself. It is about shifting your mindset from being stuck in self-pity and victimhood to taking control of your life. The first step is recognizing that you possess the inner strength to overcome any past circumstances and forge a renewed present self with strong boundaries that enables to safely experience sensual pleasure. This process is not solely about physical actions but involves a deep mental and emotional transformation. Start by affirming your ability to change for the best and firmly believe in your capacity to rise above past trauma.


How To Take Responsibility For Your Life After Trauma

Taking responsibility for your life is a crucial step towards personal freedom and growth. It involves acknowledging past trauma and your role in your current situation to understand that casting blame outward will not aid in your progress. This realization is empowering and allows you to reclaim your power and direct your life’s narrative reinforcing the current experiences of pleasure. Begin this journey by reflecting on your decisions and actions, understanding their impact, and committing to a path of self-accountability and growth.


How to Choose The Right Environment To Develop Sensuality Through Personal Growth

Personal growth can occur in various settings, and choosing the right environment is essential for your journey. Whether you prefer the camaraderie and shared experiences of a group setting or the introspection and tailored approach of private sessions, what matters is that the environment supports your transformation. Experiment with both settings to discover what works best for you, ensuring it provides the support and encouragement you need to safely bring forth your sensual self.


How To Use Love As A Transformative Force

Embracing yourself and your past with love is key to healing, transformation and sensuality. This approach requires treating yourself with compassion, understanding, and love, fostering an environment where true change can flourish. Start by practicing self-love and self-acceptance daily, focusing on your worth, potential for growth and sensual pleasure. This nurturing form of love is instrumental in pushing beyond the barriers of self-judgment and facilitating profound personal change.


How To Empower Yourself Through Understanding Your Past

Achieving empowerment through understanding your past is about recognizing and accepting your history and its impact on your present and future. It involves a deep dive into your experiences, learning from them, and using this knowledge to move forward with strength, maturity and agency to fully embrace your sensual self. Begin by reflecting on your past, seeking to understand the role it plays in your current state, and embracing it as a part of your journey towards empowerment. This process transforms a victim mentality into one of resilience, strength and pleasure.


Struggling With The Weight Of Past Trauma?

Rise up from victimhood to victory by responsibly creating a safe environment for sensual pleasure, here on episode #107 of The Sensual Sessions Podcast with Uma Armengol, Msc Relational Transactional Analysis Counseling and Psychotherapy Studies. SE™ Practitioner.


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About Uma Armengol

Maria Uma Armengol, Msc Relational Transactional Analysis Counselling and Psychoteray Studies, acredited SEP.  She practices Somatic Experiencing as an embodied and integrative approach for therapy and healing. As a grounded and embodied therapist, she trusts her natural energy and wisdom of her body to guide the therapeutic process. She integrates and teaches SE towards the embodiment of the body, mind and heart towards trauma resolution as a fundamental right of the human spiritual evolution process. She works with adults and specializes in pre-natal, developmental, attachment, relational, sexuality and nervous system dysregulation due to chronic stress & trauma, chronic PTSD, Addiction, Sexual trauma, and supports creative and spiritual inner liberation and movement forward. She specialises in collective and personal trauma due to cultural, racial, political, sexual orientation, and gender difference and all this is considered as part of the therapeutic healing process. She offers personal sessions, case consultations, and group case consultations. She integrates her knowledge and experience and her skills as body worker-masseur.  Her clinical background includes object relations, attachment theory, Jungian, Gestalt, Psychodynamic, Existential, Neo-Reichian and relational psychoanalysis. She also teaches the principles of "Consent" as a guideline for reconstruction of healthy boundaries. Her grounded embodiment and meditative  daily practice support her work. Maria Uma is also a graduate from Osho Risk therapist body training in Denmark, former student from Turiya Hanover and Rafia Morgan in the Path of Love school for Inner Liberation, former student of Svagito Liebermeisterin in the Roths of Love and Family constellation and Meera Hashimoto, Meditation & Art Therapy,  Nishant Mathews & The Friend. She is also a skilled energy transpersonal masseur therapist. Her practice is based in Oslo and also practices in Helsinki, London & Span where she offers deep transformational residential retreats. She offers Skype consultation practice, as she travels offering international workshops in Europe. Her personal and professional research involves living in 9 different countries studying social conditioning & adaptation and a four-year study project in sexual deconditioning and Spiritual Healing.     SPECIALTIES • Addiction • Adults • Adults abused as children • Complex PTSD • Couples Counseling • Developmental Trauma • Dissociative Disorders • Eating Disorders • Grief and Loss • LGBTQIA+ • Refugees • Domestic Violence • Sexual Abuse

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New Here?

Hola, I´m Candia Raquel!

A Mexican sensualist, scientist, artist and woman that hosts The Sensual Sessions Podcast and who enjoys contemplating trees and drinking tea.

Dedicated to helping workaholics (like you) overcome numbness and embody sensuality through somatic movement.

Sense your sensual fire to share the flame!

Work with me.


What´s Next

Go to The Sensual Sessions Podcast Episode #108: How To Overcome Insecurity And Be Sensual with Jeffrey Schwinghammer

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