What´s the core?
It´s the center of your body. It supports your spine, breathing and pleasure.
Discover the anatomy of your core with this resources!
Want To Go From Panic To Pleasure—The Whole Body Orgasms Kind Of Pleasure?
Stress can block your pleasure as it´s the same muscle that rules survival and whole body orgasms: The Psoas. The way to access this elusive core muscle Psoas is through relaxation. Get to know your center of power in the Psoas in The Sensual Sessions #6 with Liz Koch, author of the Psoas Book.
Fascia Of The Core—Yes, It Includes The Heart!
There´s so much continuity where one thing begins and other ends, there is no separation. Intimacy and vulnerability relate to core strength through the center of the body. Delight in this perspective of holism at the edge of science in The Sensual Sessions #11 on Core´s Fascia with Laurice Nemetz.
Itch—Ain´t It Hurts So Good?
Learn more about the neurobiology of touch sensations of pleasure and pain sensations at The Sensual Sessions #13 with PhD Igor Adameyko!
Are you in that body or not?
Get out of the assumptions of what you should do and into your sensual flesh to dance from the inside out!
Tightening weakens you!
Get a sensual Pelvic Floor by learning how to open with suction cup effect in this episode with a leading GYROTONIC® expert!
Kegels not enough?
Discover the Pelvic Floor as a gift to experience resilience, sensuality and somatic pleasure with the Feldenkrais Method®!
Yearning to get into the sensual state where everything unfolds?
Discover core movement integration with somatic connoisseur Joseph DellaGrotte PhD.
Touch deprived?
Your sense of self can only come by being intently touched by others in consent.
Feeling unworthy?
Unravel your capacity to receive by creating safe boundaries. Don´t wait! The whole body is calling you for orgasmic pleasure.
Trying to be under control ruined sensuality?
Instead of grasping for the end goal, shift your focus to sensations for pleasure to unfold naturally.
Derailed with what happened to you?
Come back to who you truly are by embodying the anatomy, energy and movement of your bones with Klein TechniqueTM.
Touch hungry?
Here´s how to master the sensual touch to feed emotional wellbeing, cognitive growth and the connection with yourself and others.
Estranged from pleasure?
Discover how to rekindle sensuality by embodying the connectivity of fascia.
Want To Feel Sensual?
Get the Free Guide to Awaken Sensuality and The Sensual Sessions Podcast delivered to your email!