#113 3 Steps To A Sensual Spiritual Journey — Michael Landau
We leave our self care and even our our experience of playfulness and pleasure and sensuality and even intimacy on the bottom of the list, and it becomes like an either or, meaning, either I work my ass off or I enjoy life. But it doesn´t have to be that way! This episode of Persistent Growth will help you to create mindful movement habits that sensual spirituality, in just 3 minutes a day!
How Did Persistent Growth Began
Michael Landau says, persistent growth came up with a pandemic when I already left university stopped, quit my professional career as a musician, decided to dedicate myself as a Feldenkrais Practitioner, which means that I worked with movement, with mindful movement.
Feldenkrais helped me a lot in surviving and thriving as a pianist, like, organizing myself in a way that that works well and where I don't harm myself, which happens a lot. .
Why Does Persistent Growth Works It works very well because it works with verbal instructions. So you don't really have to see the screen. You can lie on the floor and do the class, but you need some peace of mind, some peace and quiet, like, close the door and leave the world outside.
Why Persistent Growth 3 minute Scope Is Ideal
Online, this is ideal. Michael thought, Why don't I make it really as short as possible so that the concentration span can hold it? In this very stressful situation where people can, just switch in for a short moment to explore them themselves in movement, but do it every day. So this was, um, this was the general idea, and I trying it with my students and with myself, just try reduce it to the minimal viable period of time where something small happens. And I found out just by trying that 3 minutes is it. It works. So in 3 minutes, where where you can really put, uh, click the pause button on on daily life on the stress, it's possible to do it for 3 minutes for most people and do it regularly, like, every day.
How Does Persistent Growth Fits In Your Daily Life
It's kind of an application of the Feldenkrais Method to to an extreme situation, but also it worked very well in our normal life. Michael says, if we can call it that we came back to to normal more or less, but, it still works very well for people to create the habit of bringing the mind to themselves, pause, explore themselves in movement for a very short period of time, which means that you can manage to to stay focused. You train your attention to stay 3 minutes is possible for most people. And and then, with the the clever ideas that we have in the Feldenkrais Method of how to move in ways that are curious, that are pleasurable, that awaken something new that propose some options and do it for a very short time. Do it every day, and it's a it's like taking a tiny step day after day continuously, it makes up a journey, a journey of transformation. And things really happen over time.
How Persistent Growth Helps You Even If You Don´t Feel Like Doing It
I found it very, very useful and very effective of course, the idea is not to replace Feldenkrais or replace exercise and just do 3 minutes a day and then sit on your butt the rest of your of the day. This is not the idea.
The idea is to create kind of a basis of, um, of mindfulness, mindfulness in movement, which is what we do, and, uh, and make it a habit. Do it regularly and try to to really stick with it even when you're stressed, even when you're in a hurry, even when you're when you don't feel like it. And when you when it's only 3 minutes, it's it's quite possible. It's quite possible. Even if you don't feel like it.
Sacrificing Sensual Spirituality For The Sake Of Achievement?
Discover how Persistent Growth helps you create loving habits of mindful movement here on episode #113 of The Sensual Sessions Podcast “3 Steps To A Sensual Spiritual Journey” with Michael Landau, Pianist, Feldenkrais Method® Practitioner and Founder of Persistent Growth.
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About Michael Landau
Michael Landau was a professional pianist and university professor for over 30 years. He has also been a Feldenkrais practitioner since 1994, after graduating from the first Jerusalem training. His work with Mindful Movement is enriched by his lifelong engagement with performing artists; it emphasizes self-care and creativity. He claims that the Feldenkrais Method® has allowed him to survive and thrive in the long daily hours at the piano. During the pandemic, as he was forced to move his classes online, Michael has designed an online course of short daily Mindful Movement practices that helps his students create the habit of daily conscious movement. His students are amazed at how much you can improve with a constant practice of three minutes a day. Michael grew up in Israel, studied music in Vienna, Austria, and taught at the Vienna Conservatory for 11 years; he then moved to Chile where he currently lives in a small town with his family. A few years ago, he quit his musical career and is now dedicated to teaching Feldenkrais and Mindful Movement. Michael has training in energy work, Buddhism and the enneagram. His multi-faceted approach turns his teachings into a holistic experience of growth and learning.
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Hola, I´m Candia Raquel!
A Mexican sensualist, scientist, artist and woman that hosts The Sensual Sessions Podcast and who enjoys contemplating trees and drinking tea.
Dedicated to helping workaholics (like you) overcome numbness and embody sensuality through somatic movement.
Sense your sensual fire to share the flame!
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