
#93 How To Heal Through Sensuality — Margaret Kaye #1


🔥 Pain blocks your pleasure? Softness can change the perception of yourself helping you heal through sensuality. Learn more in this Feldenkrais episode.


🔥 How To Heal Through Sensuality

Margaret Kaye, our guest today, is a Feldenkrais Method Teacher who had an occupational injury due to overuse syndrome that made it almost impossible to use her hands. Pain and inflammation extended to the shoulders and neck such that she couldn´t eat at the table with a knife and fork, least pick up a cup. Still, she danced tap as an act of rebellion and holding on to the best in her sense of self.

After a Feldenkrais Method® lesson she found herself pain free for the first time in years. The lesson consisted on small, soft and slow pleasurable movements where she felt free to rest as much as needed. This experience revealed that her eyes were habitually held poking out of her head and her head was forward like in anticipation and excitement for the external world but at cost bypassing her inner sanctum which threw off balance the organization of her whole body in regards with the gravity field causing the stain that led her to file for disability.

Pain came back after couple hours but she cried in the park knowing there was hope. Her self-image changed and from then on her recovery unraveled.

Treating herself with softness changed everything about her perception of herself, she healed through sensuality.


🔥 About Margaret Kaye

Margaret Kaye has been teaching the Feldenkrais Method of Movement for over 20 years. Margaret is a certified Feldenkrais® Practitioner, Assistant Trainer, and member of the Australian Feldenkrais Guild. She has run an active practice since graduation from the Melbourne Feldenkrais Professional Training Program in 1991.  Due to an Occupational Overuse injury Margaret was unable to work for several years. This is now a speciality area, amongst others. Margaret also specialises in working with performers, such as actors, musicians and athletes.   She has conducted lessons in various tertiary educational institutions including: the Australian Institute of Music (AIM), both with actors in Dramatic Arts and musicians in the Body Awareness for Musicians class in Classic Performance; and the National Institute of Dramatic Arts (NIDA).

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