#89 How To Become Sensually Hypnotic — Arthur Kuggeleyn
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Become sensually hypnotic by keeping the tension while merging into different forms within the rhythm. Learn more in this episode.
🔥 How To Become Sensually Hypnotic
Keep the tension. Keep the tension. Keep the tension.
Keep it as long as possible while merging into different forms within the rhythm.
That is the intention.
“Being aggressive, hard or direct makes the public protect themselves so it´s not possible to touch them deeply in their soul, in their heart
(as it would be by) being more sensitive, being more soft. So I try that dancers use their body like they would massage the public and they start to trust you.” Says my guest, Founder at Arthur Kuggeleyn + Co,
Director for Dance, Theatre & Film, Arthur Kuggeleyn.
🔥 Expect to hear about:
- The mistake you don’t want to make when hypnotizing someone.
- How to keep the rhythm without getting boring.
- How to make love as a dance.
- How to keep the passionate tension.
- Why is it better for art to be polarizing than pleasing.
- How to give up the armor of technique to create intimacy.
- How to stay awake while you´re in trance.
- Exercise of sensual hypnotism with the hands.
🔥 About Arthur Kuggeleyn
The theatre and dance shows of the Dutch choreographer Arthur Kuggeleyn, define themselves by their lack of compromise. Challenging conventions, they regularly trigger off astonishment, fascination, and, for some, discomfort. His controversial works always provoke strong reactions. Through intense collaboration with dancers, actors and musicians, he developed first in Berlin a furious physical theatre spectacle company and after in Switzerland his own choreographic “trance dance” style, based on loops made out of sounds and visual images. This continuous repetition of movements and sounds fills the space with energy, unleashing the scenic process: exhibition of the body and movements, confrontation between interpreters and spectators, aggression, psychic nakedness, eroticism and humour. The moving body’s energy and the emphasis on emotions, senses, movements, hypnosis are always at the center of his realisations. The artistic search of Arthur Kuggeleyn is in a permanent evolution.
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