#87 How To Attune To The Guidance Of The Sensuous — Philip Shepherd
How To Attune To The Guidance Of The Sensuous
“You can't reason your way into love, you can't reason your way into harmony. Only as you surrender to wholeness that you partake of the harmony of the world.”
Says my guest Philip Shepherd, Founder of Radical Wholeness, my metaphor for the body is like a resonator that attunes to the world around us. The body is the most profound resource of intelligence that is available to us and it's not an intelligence that is enclosed in the self, it's an intelligence that opens to the world and works hand in hand with it. My definition of embodiment is it's a state in which the whole of your intelligence comes into coherence with the present.
Expect To Hear About:
- How to embody sensuality.
- What is the definition of embodiment.
- How can you tell if you lost attunement and became disembodied.
- How to recovering from the disembodying 12 years of reward and punishment in the public school system.
- How disembodiment became mainstream from the Neolithic revolution, to Homer days, to Plato shifting the inner center from belly to heart then head respectively.
- The embodied story from Elliot Island hunters sitting on rocks wordlessly for hours until feeling the presence of a sea lion way beyond sight.
- From Descartes mind-body dualism to the Tibetan Buddhism idea of mind being both perception and the space wheer it occurs.
- Signs that you´re spending your days feeling the world of energy rather than thinking ideas.
- How to go beyond limited mental cogitations and the isolating tyranny of independence.
- How to open to the world of energy and be informed by it.
- How to surrender into the present and become the Hero of your journey.
- How to summon the present, surrender to the sensual calling and put your gifts into service.
- Guided sensual exercise: Resting in the pelvic bowl to feel held the world´s embrace.
Feeling Disembodied?
Melt the overthinking frozen energy into the warm experience of your flesh with this Episode # 87 of The Sensual Sessions Podcast on “How To Attune To The Guidance Of The Sensuous” with Founder of Radical Wholeness, Philip Shepherd.
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About Philip Shepherd
Author, Actor & Embodiment Facilitator
Philip Shepherd is recognized as a leader in the global embodiment movement. He is the founder and co-director of The Embodied Present Process™. Philip's unique techniques have been developed to transform our disconnected experience of self and world, and are based on the vision articulated in his celebrated books,New Self, New World (2010) and Radical Wholeness (2017).He has a new book Deep Fitness, co-authored with Andrei Yakovenko which as released in October, 2021. He leads workshops around the world, creating a network of people practicing embodiment.
Learn more at https://embodiedpresent.com/
New Here?
Hola, I´m Candia Raquel!
A Mexican sensualist, scientist, artist and woman that hosts The Sensual Sessions Podcast and Founded Centro De Poder®, who enjoys contemplating trees and drinking tea.
Dedicated to helping workaholics (like you) overcome numbness and embody sensuality through somatic movement.
Sense your sensual fire to share the flame!
What´s Next
Go to The Sensual Sessions Podcast Episode #88: The Sensuality In Feeling Lovable with Jessica Graham
Learn more with resources on: Sensual Confidence Resources
Discover: The Ecstatic Breathing Practice