Candia Raquel Garibay Camarena Founder of Centro De Poder, Sensualist, Scientist, Artist, Woman and Vinicius Tavares Holistic Therapist, Actor and Public Speaker in the Cover of The Sensual Sessions Episode 68 Ignite Sensuality Through Somatic Embodiment.

#68 Ignite Sensuality Through Somatic Embodiment — Vinicius Tavares

Why Somatic Embodiment Is The Key To Ignite Sensuality

In this overachievement culture much life force is wasted by tensing up trying to move faster while paradoxically this stiffening only hinders movement and specially pleasure.

Somatic embodiment is the key to ignite the power of sensuality because it taps beyond the walling off of tension that builds the discursive mind and into the way of being in the world through fleshly awareness.


Wondering How To Embody Sensuality?

Learn more on how to “Ignite Sensuality Through Somatic Embodiment” with episode #68 of The Sensual Sessions podcast with Holistic Therapist, Actor and Public Speaker, Vinicius Tavares.


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About Vinicius Tavares

• Born in December 1977, I’ve never had any formal or informal art class until I was 18, period I was a student of State University of Campinas (Unicamp).

• During those days I was enrolled in their Math Education degree. Due to my public appearance shyness, I prompted to get theater classes, so I’ve found Zé Renato Noronha (a newly graduated student in Performing arts by Unicamp) who was also a researcher in physical theater and embodied arts (like Circus).

• José (Zé) Renato Noronha was a pupil of Luiz Otávio Burnier, Unicamp’s Theater Department‘s Dean, who was also formal disciple of Étienne Decroux(the creator of Dramatic Corporeal Mime _ a physical theater technique regarded as being influenced by the bodywork envisioned by Françoise Delsarte in the XIX century).

• Other approach that inspired Zé Renato (as well as me, Vinícius) was “the Theater of the Oppressed’, created by Augusto Boal in the 70’s .A mix of Guerrilla performance and Psychodrama, its focus is to give non-actors dramatic instruments to voice their angst in a creative way.

• In the end of 1997, due to some chronical pains I felt on my soles and due to my awkward lack of body coordination I started doing body awareness classes (that late in the 2000’s would be called somatic education bodywork) with Odenise Bellini. Odenise’s approach was based on Therèsé Bertherat’s Antigymnastique® and on her husband’s work as physical therapist and RPG’s therapist.

• These body alignment techniques sounded , at time, very similar to the techniques I was practicing in my Circus classes at those days. It turns out that my Circus teacher, Luiz Monteiro, and his co-teacher partner, Marilia Soares, was teaching the class, just a warm up, the method created by the Brazilian dancers Klauss, Angel and Reiner Vianna (which, like RPG and Antigymnastique, was also derived of the proposed bodywork of Françoise Delsarte) .

• Also in 1997, I start to learn about macrobiotics nutrition with my acupuncturist Beatriz de Oliveira Santos and the writer and lecturer Sonia Hirsch. This approach later leads me to the study Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) three years.

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