Candia Raquel Founder of Centro De Poder and host of The Sensual Sessions Podcast and guest Astra Coyle Feldenkrais Method Practitioner and TedX Talk Speaker in the cover of episode 83 on How To Take Agency On Your Sensual Pleasure.

#83 How To Take Agency On Your Sensual Pleasure — Astra Coyle

How To Take Agency On Your Sensual Pleasure

Thinking patterns, beliefs and culture mold the experience of ourselves specially when it comes to the pleasure in sensuality. But biological drives are primary as the nervous system main function is movement. So the easiest way to move the needle pointing it to sensual pleasure is by tuning into yourself when you´re moving naturaly like going for a walk or rolling in the floor. This way you take agency on your experience of sensual pleasure by becoming self-referential rather than merely societally compliant.


Ready To Take Agency On Your Sensual Pleasure?

Discover the delight in your body-mind connection on Episode # 83 of The Sensual Sessions Podcast “How To Take Agency On Your Sensual Pleasure” with TEDx Talk Speaker and Feldenkrais Method® Practitioner, Astra Coyle.


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Navigate Episode On How To Take Agency On Your Sensual Pleasure

1:02 Discovering body-mind connection.

3:37 Being conditioned to believe the main pursuit in early life should be academic education.

4:23 Studying Zen meditation searching for a clear ownership and reference of myself.

5:08 Astra and Candia hating their first experiences with the Feldenkrais Method® but then delighting so much with the felt sense of the body after class that crossed town walking not wanting to stop moving.

11:14 Thinking patterns, beliefs and culture mold us but biological drives are primary so it's the easiest place to move the needle.

15:19 Neuroscientists now are saying that the primary drive of the brain is movement.

20:23 Pleasure is about the process not about the product.

20:37 The danger in end-gain focusing like when hosting a party at home to have fun and but then getting tense out of trying to make it perfect.

22:28 How to take agency on sensual pleasure by tuning into yourself going on a walk in nature.

22:48 Practicing self-referential attention in your sensation in your senses to be in the moment of the process to living versus being just about the future.

27:49 Creating values around sensual pleasure within societal frameworks.

35:02 Making choices around small points within one´s body can make a huge difference to experience sensual pleasure.

37:51 SENSUAL PRACTICE: Softening abdominal tension to release anxiety in the nervous system.


About Astra Coyle

Hi - I’m Astra , a Somatic Educator, Teacher and Optimist. I am not just an optimist by nature, it is owed to what I have studied in neurobiology, what I witnessed and facilitated with nervous system work. Humans have an amazing ability to change, adapt and grow... they just need some information and support along the way. I am dedicated to helping you achieve the change you’re after whether it is focused on you as an individual or you have your aim set on creating a better society for all. We know our minds can influence our bodies, but life experience and current research in neuroscience have proven that our bodies can re-wire our brains and build capacity in our nervous systems - creating all new habits, patterns and connections. From personal evolution to inter-generational trauma, the common denominator in all personal growth is the nervous system, body and brain.

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New Here?

Hola, I´m Candia Raquel!

A Mexican sensualist, scientist, artist and woman that hosts The Sensual Sessions Podcast and Founded Centro De Poder®, who enjoys contemplating trees and drinking tea.

Dedicated to helping workaholics (like you) overcome numbness and embody sensuality through somatic movement.

 Work with me.


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