Candia Raquel Garibay Camarena Founder of Centro De Poder Sensualist, Scientist, Artist and Robert Boyd Mathematician, Computer Science Expert, Triangle Feldenkrais Founder and Feldenkrais Method Practitioner in the Cover of The Sensual Sessions Episode 54 Discover Who You Are Through Pleasurable Sensations

#54 Discover Who You Are Through Pleasurable Sensations — Robert Boyd

Tend To Your Pleasurable Sensations To Discover Who You Are

Personality tests, archetypes and your personal story will only tell you so much about yourself because these are all fixed frames within discursive thinking.

To know who you truly are tend to the realm of your fleshly sensations of pleasure. As for the body sensorial feeling means knowing.

Know more about yourself in this episode #54 "Discover Who You Are Through Pleasurable Sensations" of The Sensual Sessions Podcast with Mathematician, Computer Science Expert, Triangle Feldenkrais Founder and Feldenkrais Method Practitioner, Robert Boyd (MS).


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About Robert Boyd 

I’m on a mission to facilitate joy in life. I’m curious about possibilities and how things work, and what’s going on when things work differently than expected or wanted. I enjoy facilitating and witnessing my clients as they discover new options and freedoms they didn’t realize before. Every time I work with someone I feel a deep sense of gratitude to experience their beauty and complexity as a person.

I started teaching as a tutor when I was studying Math, Physics and Computer Science. In my professional career I’ve had the pleasure of continuing to develop as a mentor/teacher working for companies like Texas Instruments, GE, the EPA, GlaxoSmithKline and Duke Energy. I enjoyed developing in various roles as a researcher, troubleshooter, collaborator, manager, project leader and inter-division technical liaison.

In the early 1990’s my curiosity and personal needs led me into exploring other ways of learning including martial arts, the Feldenkrais Method® of Somatic Education, Reiki – a form of healing energy, contact improv dance, and InterPlay – a somatic practice based on community building and fun. All of these opened up new possibilities for joy and empowerment in my life. I chose to pursue training in Reiki, InterPlay and Feldenkrais. These all taught me a variety of lessons about the marvel of human experience.

I feel particularly grateful to Moshe Feldenkrais and all that has come from his founding of this work because it played such a big role in helping me recover from a brain injury I received in a car accident. I was afraid of losing my job because of the loss of ability to focus or retain information after the accident. I was fortunate to have a practitioner available to help me. I had been told it could take anywhere from a year to several years for the type of brain trauma I received. With her help I made a full recovery in only 3 months.

Like she did for me, I now help clients who come with movement challenges that frustrate them or make them feel nearly hopeless. I help them acknowledge the truth that is in their body now; create space for them to release what prevents them from moving freely; guide them to expand their physical and mental capabilities; and invite them to the possibility of joyfully embracing the beauty that they already are.

Discover Robert Boyd´s work at:


What´s Next

Go to The Sensual Sessions Podcast Episode #55: How To Let Pleasure Happen with Rodrigo Suárez

Learn more with resources on: Bodymind Philosophy Resources

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