Candia Raquel Garibay Camarena Founder of Centro De Poder Sensualist, Scientist, Artist and Nancy Shapiro Master Reiki Practitioner and Akashic Records Reader in the Cover of The Sensual Sessions Episode 53 Inner Peace and Pleasure A Reiki Journey

#53 Inner Peace and Pleasure: A Reiki Journey — Nancy Shapiro

Looking For Inner Peace And Pleasure But You´re Going Through Difficulty?

Discover how reiki can help you get into the inner state to create space from dim situations and deal with them in a better way to find the inner peace and even experience pleasure, in the episode #53 of The Sensual Sessions podcast "Inner Peace and Pleasure: A Reiki Journey" with Master Reiki Practitioner and Akashic Records Reader, Nancy Shapiro.


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About Nancy Shapiro

Stress, anxiety and imbalance can negatively affect your job performance and personal life. As a Master Reiki Practitioner and Akashic Records reader, Nancy helps people align and clear stuck energy to feel lighter, relaxed and more connected to improve their mind, body and spirit.

Nancy's virtual and in-person Reiki sessions can help to bring balance, flow, and peace to your employees. The M.E. with Nancy Collaborative Group Reiki session is the perfect option for your next corporate retreat, either in-person or virtually! The relaxing yet revitalizing energy of Reiki will align and optimize the collective, creative energy of your team so that they can reach their full potential

Contact Nancy for more details on Instagram:


What´s Next

Go to The Sensual Sessions Podcast Episode #54: Discover Who You Are Through Pleasurable Sensations with Robert Boyd MC

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