Candia Raquel Founder of Centro De Poder Postural Presence Expert and Elle Monk artist and fierce tantrika in the Cover of The Sensual Sessions 34 The Paradox Of Shadow Tantra

#34 The Paradox Of Shadow Tantra — Elle Monk

Trauma disconnected you from bliss?

Discover how to use Shadow Tantra as a desperate measure to get back into the intimacy of your body by transforming emotions in the episode #34 of The Sensual Sessions Podcast!


What You´ll Learn In The Paradox Of Shadow Tantra Episode

0:41 Elle Monk´s jouney beginnings as an artistic research of sharing hope as a body practice that led her to become a monk, a Tantra teacher and starting a contemporary form of a Tantric Monastery.
1:36 How the practice of Tantra is passed on through generations as the body of that Shakti life energy.
2:00 How to situate yourself in a non dual center of what´s right or wrong is a classical tantric metaphor from the 9th or 10th century in Kashmir.
2:10 How the 1960s Neo Tantra form of sexual meaning is a total misunderstanding of classical Tantra.
2:49 Tantra as an emancipation tool and for fighting for LGBT rights.
03:10 Why you need the discipline of Classical Tantra to achieve something by getting unstuck from vanilla addiction to the bliss of attention.
03:12 Shadow Tantra as a desperate measure to get back into your body and intimacy.
03:37 What´s Shadow Tantra.
3:57 How to get into full acceptance and vitality by dealing with emotions, negative thoughts and opinions.
04:25 Why getting angry doesn´t mean that you´re not spiritual believing you should be beyond that.
04:30 How to transform negative emotions through the point of embodiment.
04:35 How to blossom into vitality by making negativity give you more energy, not less.
04:50 Why you need to dismantle the idea you have of yourself as being a nice person in order to get out of the identity cage that is ego.
8:28 Changing the meaning of trauma through Shadow Tantra.
09:51 The Tantric practice of making a petition to become undone. To not live in the prison created by myself and that others created for you with identifications that enclose you.
10:15 How to find the place where you´re being bigger, more powerful, more happy and from where you can deal with it.
11:03 Elle times of happy work running an Institute for artistic research but not being truly herself.
11:42 Experimenting with the Tantric monastic way of life.
14:04 FREE Shadow Tantra exercise with Elle Monk.



About Elle Monk

Elle Monk is a fierce Tantrika. 7 years ago she left the worldly life to start up the experimental monastic house The Monastery Live. Living close the woods, she invests herself in working with the elements, doing nature meditations and reinventing rituals for our present times. An artist and performer, monk and sex witch, teacher and devotee, she dives with her participants into a deep practice, laying bare the shadows that aren’t recognized, dealing with fear, joy, desire, resentment, all emotional baggage that feeds our being-in-the-world. As a spiritual performer she developed the Bardo States cycle, in which she was buried for extended periods of time underground. She leads the intensive tantra year training Bloom into Life, in which she moves from a focus on healing, to a deepening of connection, into the mystical understanding of the Tantric non-dual teachings.

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