Candia Raquel Founder of Centro De Poder Postural Presence Expert and Lucia Gabriela Relationship and Intimacy Coach Tantrikink creator in the Cover of The Sensual Sessions 38 Overcome Trauma To Live Sensually

#38 Overcome Trauma To Live Sensually — Lucia Gabriela

Trauma keeping you from living sensually?

Learn how asking for and demanding consent sets the basis for healing and safely surrender into pleasure!


What You´ll Learn With Lucia Gabriela On "Overcome Trauma To Live Sensually" Episode #38 Of The Sensual Sessions Podcast 

00:39 Lucía Gabriela founded two great temples to learn, explore and experience from tantra to intimacy, sexuality, kink and conscious BDSM. She´s a Trauma Informed and Intuitive Coach, and Emotional Somatic Body Therapist to help people overcome trauma to live sensually.

01:11 How as energetic beings we get affected by belief systems, dark energy and even trauma. Which leads to health issues.

02:24 How to experience the intimacy of a sensual life from a place of expansion versus from a place of contraction created by trauma.

03:14 What is the starting place to acknowledge your sensual desires when you´re stumbling in the dark.

04:24 Why you need to practice giving yourself permission.

05:48 Recognizing your cycles, specially the semen cycle for men.

06:22 How belief systems can keep you repressed from experiencing emotions and what you can do to let yourself be sad after trauma.

07:19 How Lucia Gabriela healed herself from cancer going from being very toxic to herself to making a commitment to her body of living in harmony.

09:10 When what you need to do is take the time to slow down, not do anything the rest of the week, let the house be dirty and give yourself permission to just walk into a messy house.

09:25 How to take ownership and agency on your desires to live a sensual life without creating chaos and drama.

13:00 How to know between a sensual desire and an urge to get your needs met.

16:38 Why consent is a real conversation to have in a relationship.

16:51 Being raised in a culture when if you don´t give a hug or a kiss then it´s disrespect to the elders which sets a context for trauma.

17:13 How children have no voice in many countries to say “no, I don´t want to be with this person” despite the trauma created by sexual abuse done by parents and grandparents. As consent at a practical level is not something you can be curious about until 18 years old.

19:08 How when people have a struggle with sensual intimacy in their life, there´s always a trauma linked over a young age. And why it´s important to have a conversation on consent with the person you´re dating.

21:00 When you ask someone for consent you may be giving them a choice they never had when they were at their most vulnerable if they experienced trauma.

21:12 How asking your partner for consent is letting know that their emotional feelings and safety is really important for me.

21:46 Consent is the basic key ingredient for full sensual surrendering because it creates a safe container. The other ingredient is consistency. This goes from just going to dinner with your partner to having kinky erotic sex.

22:15 If there wasn´t sexual abuse there was always a bully in school or a boss or a teacher or someone that created trauma in you because somehow bypassed our unspoken boundaries. So it´s also important to demand the other person what you ask for yourself. In the same way that we should give ourselves permission, we should be able to either grant or deny permission to another person.




About Lucia Gabriela

Lucia Gabriela helps individuals and couples to master their life, relationships, and intimacy with themselves and others.

As a Relationship and Intimacy Coach, Lucia Gabriela creates a sacred and safe space for individuals and couples to build conscious relationships and meaningful intimacy in their life.

As an Emotional Somatic Therapist, Lucia Gabriela specializes in and works with individuals whose journey is to liberate themselves from emotional and sexual traumas. She helps them reclaim their creative power, body, voice, sensuality, and sexuality and welcomes pleasure into their lives, creations, and relationships.

As a Therapeutic Kink Practitioner and TantriKink™ Creator, Lucia Gabriela fuses the power of Tantra and Kink/BDSM to help clients connect with their body wisdom, discover their erotic archetypes, and master their D/s erotic energies.

As an Event Producer and Community Leader, Lucia Gabriela is the founder of the Sacred Love Temple, Tantric Shamanic Events, Sarasota Dark Temple, and Conscious Kink BDSM Events & Community. Lucia Gabriela is the producer of the annual Sol y Luna Tantric Shamanic Festival and TantriKink™ Festival.

As a Trauma-Informed Tantric Shamanic Intimacy Teacher, Lucia Gabriela is the founder of the Tantric Shamanic Somatic Institute and co-teacher of the Tantric Shamanic Somatic Healing Trainings, TSSH™. Students receive certifications as Trauma-Informed Relationship and Intimacy Coaches, Trauma-Informed Inner Aspect Practitioners, or Trauma-Informed Somatic BodyTherapists.

To learn  more about any of Lucia’s  transformational coaching and somatic experiences, immersion weekends, and couples retreats, go to


What´s Next

Go to The Sensual Sessions Podcast Episode #39: Feldenkrais: Bringing Your Inner Queen To Light (Soon)

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