Candia Raquel Garibay Camarena Founder of Centro De Poder Sensualist, Scientist, Artist and Rodrigo Suarez Classical Cello Player and Alexander Technique Teacher in the Cover of The Sensual Sessions Episode 55 How To Let Pleasure Happen

#55 How To Let Pleasure Happen — Rodrigo Suárez

A great lover lets pleasure happen

Tension is confused with arousal as often as it´s discharging release is confused with pleasure. Truth is that tension only gets in the way of instinctual reflexes properly performing on intimacy.

The secret of great intimacy is in not letting tension get in the way of the naturally emerging fleshly pleasure.


Curious to learn how?

Learn more here at the Episode #55 “How To Let Pleasure Happen” of The Sensual Sessions podcast with Libresencia Co-Founder, Alexander Technique Teacher and Classical Cello Player, Rodrigo Suárez.


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About Rodrigo Suárez

Rodrigo is co-founder of Libresencia, for those who want to feel free to be themselves, without fear, without shame and without conflict. Since childhood he studied cello, and loved it. During puberty, he experienced his parents' divorce. He remembers his adolescence as the most difficult time of his life. Since then, he started looking for personal transformation tools. At the age of 18, he travelled to study a bachelor's degree at the London College of Music, where he graduated, but the perfectionism of the teachers reduced his pleasure in playing. The good thing is that at that college he learned about the Alexander Technique. After his bachelor's degree, Rodrigo pursued the three-year training in London to become a certified Alexander Technique teacher. It was there where his great transformation happened, both at a bodily and mental-emotional level. He is now a member of the Mexican Association of Alexander Technique Teachers (APTAM) and has been helping others inhabit their bodies for 23 years. Rodrigo's other passion is Nonviolent Communication (NVC), an approach in which he is certified by the Center for Nonviolent Communication, and that he has been sharing with others for 12 years. It can be said that Rodrigo and his life partner Madeleine owe their relationship to NVC, which is especially valuable now that they are parents. He is convinced that if we want to improve the world we live in, it is essential to learn how to communicate better. Rodrigo has taught workshops at many universities, conservatoires, professional orchestras and business.

Know more about Rodrigo Suárez´s work here:


What´s Next

Go to The Sensual Sessions Podcast Episode #56: Why You Need To Be Sensually Touched with Alexandros Ioannou MSc

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