Candia Raquel Founder of Centro De Poder Postural Presence Expert and Tim McMinn GYROTONIC and GYROKINESIS Specialized Master Trainer in the Cover of The Sensual Sessions 31 Heart Center And Pelvic Floor In Gyrotonic

#31 Heart Center And Pelvic Floor In Gyrotonic — Tim McMinn

Tightening weakens you!

Get a sensual Pelvic Floor by learning how to open with suction cup effect in this episode with the leading GYROTONIC® expert Tim McMinn!


Heart Center And Pelvic Floor In Gyrotonic


About Tim McMinn

Tim is a “Kinesionaut”, an explorer of movement.

He’s been at it for thirty years as dancer, massage therapist, and  GYROTONIC® & GYROKINESIS® Specialized Master Trainer. The Craft of the Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis  methods are the tools he uses to empower his students to move with  freedom  and ease,  making them a “stronger that lasts longer.”  He likes to focus on the craft of effective movement; teaching through experience as artisans have for centuries.

He is a wandering master trainer and will go almost anywhere but mainly hangs out in the North American desert southwest; so many beautiful places to explore and so much history to contemplate. If you are interested in a training, a residency or just a series of classes you can contact Tim at: 917-714-6942.

Tim loves entertaining questions (double meaning intended) so please feel free to ask one.

Contact Tim on Instagram:


What´s Next?

Go to The Sensual Sessions Podcast Episode #32: Feminine Sexual Alchemy

Learn more with resources on: Core Anatomy

Discover: The Ecstatic Breathing Practice