#28 The Art Of Feminine Negotiation — Cindy Watson
Femininity feels like a liability?
Learn how to turn femininity into your secret weapon to get more of what you deserve in life—from the boardroom to the bedroom.
What You´ll Learn In This Episode About The Art Of Feminine Negotiation
00:29 Why you need to learn the Art of Feminine Negotiation
00:43 Cindy´s story as a lawyer, called the Barracuda by her clients as a compliment, in a male-dominated industry not taken seriously and having to become tougher because of the societal conditioning that defines success based on a masculine competitive model
01:16 What happens if you have to WIN every argument in your personal life
01:56 Are you stifling your feminine?
02:02 How to use femininity as your secret weapon
03:15 What you need to consider in order to win in a negotiation
03:16 Using the tools of connection and communication
04:04 The reaction of lawyers and justices when Cindy began applying The Art Of Feminine Negotiation
05:07 Going from “take no prisoners” to vulnerability
06:38 Thinking you´re not a good negotiator?
06:44 You need to learn how to negotiate from your feminine because you do it everyday with your kids, intimate partner, service provider, the bank.
07:15 What if you shy away from conflict
11:39 Think softness is a weakness? It´s not!
12:01 New Zealand’s Prime Minister and the rise of soft-skills in the workplace
12:39 To have an open heart and be assertive as an art
13:47 The power of asking questions instead of dominating the conversation
14:21 Get better deals and longer lasting relationships applying the Art Of Feminine Negotiation
15:03 Candia´s huge mistake of loosing 200K on a real state deal just to have the last word
BONUS — 3 Tools On The Art Of Feminine Negotiation
18:25 BONUS 1: The no F. E. A. R. Model to overcome fear, ego, attachment and reactivity.
24:30 BONUS 2: The brag journal to feel confident of getting what you deserve from the boardroom to the bedroom
26:11 BONUS 3: The 5 W´ s Who, What, Where, When, Why implementation to ask for what you want.
30:22 What’s inside Cindy’s new book
About Cindy Watson
Cindy Watson is the founder of Women On Purpose and creator of the Art of Feminine Negotiation and HERsuasion programs. She's also founder and managing partner of Watson Labour Lawyers, as an attorney specializing in social justice law for 30 years. She is a TEDx and international speaker, award-winning author, master negotiator, and consultant known for her passion, commitment, and ability to inspire. As a world-class women's empowerment coach, Cindy has a proven track record empowering, advocating, and motivating people to rediscover their purpose and become the best version of themselves.
Learn more from Cindy Watson on her website: https://www.womenonpurpose.ca/
And get her new book: https://www.amazon.com/Art-Feminine-Negotiation-Boardroom-Bedroom-ebook/dp/B0B8KPCYZP
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