
Wanna feel again?

Get guide to Awaken Sensuality! 

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Numb to pleasure?

Get guide to Awaken Sensuality! 

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Wanna feel again?

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You´re on the right place to get...

Postural Presence® 

A head turning, plaza breaking, magnetic and unforgettable first impression making sensual posture.

Freedom from stiffness 

Dare to move like a tiger in the wild completely free from stiffness, numbness and inhibition to express your delight moment by moment.

Unavowed Sensual Plesure

Become the authority on your experience. No more need for permission. Own the delight in your fleshly pleasure.

Success stories

This is not an exercise, this is a pleasure!


Alicia Giron, PhD   

Emeritus Researcher of the Economics Research Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (IIEc – UNAM). 

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Awaken from numbness to sense pleasure through your senses and express yourself moving completely free from inhibition.


Get FREE guide

Meet your teacher


I´m Candia Raquel. 


A Mexican sensualist, scientist, artist and woman that hosts The Sensual Sessions Podcast, who enjoys contemplating trees and drinking tea.

Dedicated to helping workaholics (like you) overcome inhibition and embody sensuality through somatic movement.

Sense your sensual fire to share the flame!



I´m Candia Raquel. 


A mexican sensualist, scientist, artist and woman that Founded Centro De Poder®, who enjoys contemplating trees and drinking tea.

Dedicated to helping you overcome stiffness and become sensually confident by embodying somatic movement.

Sense your sensual fire to share the flame!

You might have seen me on 

Maybe you can relate to this... 


..."I was brutal to myself"


How I used to run my life: 

  • "Take pride in overworking"
  • "Pleasure is selfish. You must be selfless."
  • "Feel entitled to over give"
  • "Self-sacrifice is honorable"
  • "Ego is bad"
  • "Live for the applause"
  • "Never feel deserving of pleasure"
  • "Buy makeup to make up for what you lack"
  • "See satisfaction as mediocre"
  • "Feeling too old"
  • "Feeling your weight´s not perfect"
  • "Feeling your body shape is undesirable"
  • "Nothing is ever good enough"
  • "That sexy outfit will give you confidence"
  • "Never rest. You can rest when you die."
  • "Abandon yourself to save someone else"
  • "Turn the lights off in intimacy"
  • "Tweak your posture when you´re naked in front of the mirror"
  • "Compulsively chomping chocolate doughnuts will fill your emptiness"
  • "Enduring pain is heroic"
  • "The body is just a vehicle that must obey"
  • "It´s your duty to comply"
  • "You´d bleed to please" 


What happens when you force your limit is this.


Imagine my story happens to you:

You abide to the motto “work until a bone breaks”.

Until it happenss.

Drag yourself from the studio after your 80 hr workweek, misstep out of exhaustion on the way to the car and fall from the stairs.

Your back cracks like celery as a muscle detaches from a vertebra.

You will never heal from this injury. It cut too deep. The piece of steak hanging from your spine is nonetheless the Psoas. The muscle of the soul. The true core. Doctors said it´s surgery wont make a difference. You bet on finding for yourself a way to keep on with your life as you tenderly carry your wound with you. 

Work in a bad sitting position and you won´t be able to get up from the chair. Get distracted on a dance training and you´ll walk with a limp for weeks.

You can´t no longer endure without pain immediately taking you down to the canvas and out of combat.

Pain turns into a cage that sits you down as you try to stand up.


Until you relinquish endurance to sensuality.


Stop trying to conquer pain and instead discover pleasure as a lighthouse to guide your movement.

Listen pleasurable sensations and moving away from pain allows to sit, to stand, to walk, to feel alive and dance again.

Sensuality is easy, you already dance moment by moment as you breathe. 

But are you aware?



Ways to learn sensual pleasure awareness:



Gluteal Awakening

Sitting too much flattened your butt? 

Here´s the Gluteal Awakening Course that´ll teach you how to grow hot sexy glutes as you get up from a chair, stand and walk— just as nature meant!

Get it for $199



5-Day Pelvic Floor Challenge

Done with Kegels?

Discover the NEW way to correctly exercise the most intimate area in your body—100% FREE!

Accept FREE Challenge



5-Day Real Rest Challenge


If you´re so tired that you can´t even let yourself go in delight when it´s sensual time, get the REAL REST you need—100% Free!

Accept FREE challenge



Ecstatic Breathing Practice

Breathe into *shameless* bliss

Release Tension And Restore Pleasure With The Ecstatic Breathing Practice

Get it for $5

The mission is to take ownership of your own pleasure 


Pleasure has become a product. 

You need the body, the babe, the brunch, the boat and the bank account in order to get pleasure. But once you get all that, seems not enough while at the same time you feel you don´t deserve it no matter how hard you worked for it.

This is wrong.

Sensual pleasure is simple. Pairs well with sexuality but please don´t limit pleasure to intimacy—nor expect pleasure to bloom behind doors if you don´t cultivate it during your every day simple movements. You already know what pleasure is. You were a baby that spitted out what you didn´t like and delighted in what was good for you. You feel pleasure when you eat, stretch, walk. Sometimes it´s spectacular fireworks pleasure. Most often pleasure is so nuanced you forget to listen because of the lies you´ve been taught. Pleasure is selfish, pleasure is bad, pleasure is sinful. That you´re entitled to the pursuit of happiness—but only to its pursuit. 

The mission is to fix this!

Pleasure is how health feels like. Pleasure is pure life force brimming. The body never lies, pleasure is a sensed true. Pleasure is your birthright—own it!


Let´s get started!

Why should you trust Candia Raquel?

Rather than blindly trusting, look at what it´s said about her work and decide for yourself.

Endorsement from bodymind movement authorities

Get The Sensual Sessions podcast FREE!

Learn on the art and science of sensual pleasure awareness from: 

  • A Nobel Prize Laureate
  • A Doctor Honoris Causa
  • A Grammy Nominee
  • A disciple of the Dalai Lama

And more top bodymind movement experts interviewed in exclusive by Candia Raquel.  

PLUS you´ll also get The Guide To Awaken Sensuality instant download as soon as you subscribe.

Grab all this FREE!

You´ll also get exclusive promotions. Unsubscribe in one click anytime.

Success stories

I began to know my body and it´s power through Postural Presence classes with teacher Candia Raquel.

My posture changed along the vision of how I present to my own life and the position I take towards people.

I took back my center. 
My center is now present whether sitting, standing or laying.
I´ve learned to love myself because I increased the trust in myself.

Thanks Postural Presence ♥️
Thank you Candia Raquel 🙏🏼


M.S. Lorena Espinosa

Director of Climate Change and System Management at the National Chemical Industry Association
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Candia Raquel at the Move Better Feel Better Feldenkrais Method® Summit And Interviews with Lucía Gabriela, Cindy Watson´s HERsuasion Art Of Feminine Negotiation and VIVALAVI National TV.

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Candia Raquel´s Curriculum Vitae 


Biól. Candia Raquel Garibay Camarena, founded Centro De Poder. The movement technologies brand to teach workaholics how to move completely free from inhibition and feel sensually confident.

Has a background in science (Ced. Prof. 4534834) and dance with Royal Ballet and Graham Technique. Her main teachers have been Antonio González, Victoria Camero, Lola Bernal, Edith Nava and Fausto Alzati Fernández.

Became Certified by the Pilates Method Alliance scoring with 724 points, the highest ranking at the time. She´s Certified by the Pilates Center Of Toledo, Pilates Center Of Las Vegas. She´s a Balanced Body Pilates Master Teacher, a Bones For Life Applied Feldenkrais® Teacher Level 3 and a Yoga Alliance RYT-200.

Was first dancer at the Naïf and Quebranto Contemporary Dance Companies. 

Provided institutional wellness services to the Consejo de la Judicatura Federal from the Poder Judicial Federal of the Mexican Government teaching Secretaries of State.

Received the single franchise authorization for the whole country from Balanced Body as a licensed training center in Mexico from 2011 to 2018.

Was the first Continuing Education Provider in the country from the National Pilates Certification Program of the Pilates Method Alliance from 2009 to 2020.

Authored and co-authored 4 book chapters. Translated 1 book and 22 manuals. Has co-authored peer-reviewed articles. Wrote for over half a decade at the editorial of the Informador Newspaper. Co-hosted a science program at the UDG University Radio Station. 

Hosts The Sensual Sessions podcast which includes collaborations with Nobel Prize Laureate PhD Thomas Südhof, Dalai Lama´s disciple Karl Bergh, Doctor Honoris Causa PhD Adrián Scribano and more.

For Candia Raquel, movement technologies are dynamic convergence of the art of sensitivity and the science of anatomy. Her classes are creative and tend to the essence of the self. She accompany her students in the process of deliberately inhabiting themselves through the pleasure that arises by simply breathing while moving. With the aim of achieving the most optimal neuromuscular reorganization to be sensually expressed through Postural Presence®. 

For academic collaborations request Candia Raquel´s extended Curriculum Vitae at [email protected]


Wanna feel sensual?

Here´s the guide that will show you how...FREE!

Includes 3 Postural Presence Practices that will guide you to breathe involving the deep muscles of the core to let go of tension and bloom into sensuality. 

Download now

Frequently asked questions

Success stories

I felt so empowered, free, open, with a sense of strength and flexibility that came just spontaneously.


Elena Rodríguez Sánchez  

Massage Therapist 

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Loving the planet 

A percentage of Centro De Poder´s profit is donated to Mundusi—our adopted elefant at the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.



Don´t leave staying numb! 

Get guide to Awaken Sensuality!

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Don´t leave staying numb! 

Get guide to Awaken Sensuality!

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