You´re about to experience

Sensual Awakening!  

 Please read below what´s next to make sure the FREE guide arrives to to your email 👇 

Your Spot For Pleasure

Connection 1:1 Mentoring

Is Reserved!



Please follow the instructions below to:

1. Select the time that´s best for you

in Calendly

2. Check your email with the

Zoom link





Check your email!

You will receive an email from Centro De Poder in 2 minutes.

When the time of your Pleasure Connection 1:1 Mentoring call comes, just click the Zoom link and I´ll meet you there!


Are you on Gmail? Do this now!

1. Open Gmail directly in your browser
2. Look for my email in the Promotions or Spam folders.
3. Then please drag my email to the Principal folder. 
IMPORTANT: Please do this or you´ll never get the sensual emails. 


Still don´t see it?

If you don´t receive the email, don´t wait! Email the support team right away at [email protected]  or DM me on Instagram @centrodepoder and I´ll personally take care of getting you on board!


All splendor,
Candia Raquel